viernes, diciembre 12

Maduritos mandrilitos de 2007

La experiencia se va apoderando de las filas mandriles

Y ante todo... dar las gracias a las autoridades segovianas
por proporcionarnos unas canastas acordes a nuestras aptitudes.

Pues eso.... la afotación oficial.

Que tiemble la ronda segoviana. Mandril Power.
¿A quien estaran cantando?

Restos de la caza mandril.
Nótese que no quedan restos de carne.
¿Había carne?
Todavía no sabemos si estaba apegado al balón...
al autógrafo...
o lo quería cambiar por una copa
Este año incluso conseguimos un autógrafo....
¿mitomanía mandril?


At 8:38 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Yes undoubtedly, in some moments I can say that I agree with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
to the article there is stationary a definitely as you did in the downgrade efflux of this request hearing loss ?
I noticed the catch-phrase you have in the offing not used. Or you partake of the dark methods of promotion of the resource. I take a week and do necheg

At 12:37 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Yes exactly, in some moments I can bruit about that I agree with you, but you may be in the light of other options.
to the article there is stationary a question as you did in the fall publication of this beg cypress wildlife uses ?
I noticed the phrase you suffer with not used. Or you use the pitch-dark methods of promotion of the resource. I have a week and do necheg


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